
Raised in Nyack, New York, I knew from the time I was in third grade that I would be a teacher. Short of fleeting moments where I thought I might become a gymnast or rock star, I never wavered from this path. After receiving a Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Elementary Education from a small college in N.H., and with a suitcase in hand, I headed west to San Diego. Fourteen happy years were spent in San Diego. For ten years I taught kindergarten and first grade in two public schools and received a Master’s Degree in Curriculum Design and Instruction. During this time I was blessed with principals and wonderful colleagues who guided and encouraged me to follow my passion for Waldorf education. In the summer of 1999, I attended the Kindergarten section of the Waldorf Methods in the Public School training at the Rudolf Steiner College in Sacramento and my life was forever changed. For eight years I worked as a class teacher in two Waldorf-methods public schools and continued my Waldorf training. After 18 years working in public education a new blessing was bestowed upon me when, in the summer of 2004, I had a baby boy and became a full-time mother.

I am a Waldorf trained and LifeWays certified teacher.